
Decision.Help is an advanced online decision support system currently being developed at Leeds University Business School. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly implementation of SURE, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis method that allows for uncertainty . The platform is designed to assist users in making well-informed decisions, whether it's choosing a car to buy, selecting a holiday destination, finding a flat to rent, deciding on a job offer, or even making significant corporate investment decisions.

The project was led by Dr. Richard Hodgett, who provided strategic direction and oversight throughout the development process. Dr. David Palma Araneda played a crucial role in designing the system, ensuring that it is intuitive and user-friendly. Dr. Stephen Shillitoe was responsible for the development of the tool, bringing the design to life with robust and reliable code.

The development of the tool was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant EP/V050990/1 within project FLEXICHEM: Flexible Digital Chemical Manufacturing Through Structure/Reactivity Relationships .



We would like to thank the EPSRC for funding the Flexichem project. We would like to thank Prof. Richard Bourne (Project Principal Investigator) and Dr. Natalie Fey (Co-Investigator) for all their support and input to the development of this tool. We would like to thank the University of Leeds and the Centre for Decision Research for hiring the excellent project team. We would like to thank storyset for providing the image used on the landing page.


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